========== Components ========== LabInform is generally very modular. This is one of the central concepts of the whole system. What follows is an overview of the different components. For more details, see the `LabInform webpage `_. IDs === Subsequent numbers for samples, batches, substrates, syntheses and alike for unique assignments. Metadata ======== Metadata storage format that is human-writable and machine-readable. Labbook (electronic lab notebook, ELN) ====================================== Electronic lab notebook (ELN) in form of a wiki with (mostly) one entry per measurement. Datasafe ======== Central data storage for all generated data, both experimental and calculated. Knowledge base (wiki) ===================== Central instance for storing information of all kind. Lab Object Identifier (LOI) =========================== A system of unique identifiers, similar to the DOI or handle system. Version control system (VCS) ============================ (Distributed) version control for projects, manuscripts, and alike (including a web frontend)